Hayden Panettiere is performing nude scene in her upcoming movie "I Love You, Beth Cooper". In the Chris Columbus directed movie, she is playing as Beth Cooper, the most popular girl in school. The 19 year Hayden Panettiere is naked in some scene where she drops her towel in a locker room as she tries to impress a geek played by Paul Rust.

"I was really naked," she recalled the nude scene. "I had these little sticky petals on my boobs, but that was about it." Panettiere says that she will not take all her clothes off in movies for now but still there is some possibility that she will change her mind in the future.

"I Love You, Beth Cooper" movie will start playing in US and Canada theaters on July 10, 2009.

Hayden Panettiere is Beth Cooper pic
Hayden Panettiere is Beth Cooper picture


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